MATLAB: Common error message: “Index exceeds matrix dimensions”

financeleast squaresmatrixminimizationoption pricing

Hello dear MATLAB users from the community, I am having few trouble programming an objective function for my master thesis and hope someone could help me out with this. What I need to do, is to solve a classic least squares minimization problem, where the objective function is calculated within a function and then passed to the main script.
This is the code for the main script:
% necessary inputs for the SV Objective function
S=xlsread('NDX_calls_dati','<60 days','B1');
K=xlsread('NDX_calls_dati','<60 days','D4:D14')';
tau=xlsread('NDX_calls_dati','<60 days','C4:C14')';
Market_Price=xlsread('NDX_calls_dati','<60 days','E4:E14')';
V=xlsread('NDX Dollar Price History','18 years','M22');
R=0.0216; % 4 WEEKS rf at 31/10
k_v = 1.15; theta_v = 0.04; sigma_v= 0.39; rho= -0.64;
[ Loss_SV ] = SV_ObjFun( NK, NT, Market_Price, S, K, R, V, k_v,...
theta_v, sigma_v, rho, tau )
The "SV_ObjFun" is structured as follows:
function [ y ] = SV_ObjFun( NK, NT, Market_Price, S, K, R, V, k_v,...
theta_v, sigma_v, rho, tau )
% The function implements the loss function for the SV specification
% see: Fabrice D. R - The Heston Model and Its Extensions in Matlab and C#
% pp 149-150
% Set of NT maturities, NK strikes
% S, K(k), R, V, k_v, theta_v,sigma_v, rho, tau(k),NExp
% specify the parameters inside
% NT and NK have equal dimensions
for t = 1: NT
for k = 1:NK
Model_Price(t,k) = Call_SVMC(S, K(t), R, V, k_v, theta_v, sigma_v,...
rho, tau(t),1000); % NExp chosen by user
% compute the error from market and model prices for each iteration
error(t,k) = (Market_Price(t,k)-Model_Price(t,k))^2;
y = sum(sum(error))/(NT*NK);
As I run the code to calculate the loss "Loss_SV", the error pops out:
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in SV_ObjFun (line 19)
error(t,k) = (Market_Price(t,k)-Model_Price(t,k))^2;
Can anyone please help me understand what's happening and how to solve it? Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

"Market_Price" is a one-dimensional array ; you try to access "Market_Price(t,k)".