MATLAB: Command Window Suppression Not Working Correctly


I am working on signal processing where I am importing points from a text file. Recently MatLab has started posting all of the points in the command window before moving forward. I have two versions of MatLab and they both do this. Additionally, I can only run the code once, if I try a second time it displays points in the command window but does not execute any more of the code. I'm not sure if this is a preference or debugging option I have accidentally selected, but it's quite time consuming to have to restart MatLab every time.
Here is my code, if it helps:
clear all; close all;
% Sampling frequency.
fs = 5000000;
% Load data, determine size and time base.
load A28316.txt;
[n,p] = size(A28316);
t = 1:n;
ts = linspace(0,0.5,2500000);
% Define sensor data and individual sensors.
sensors = A28316(:,1:end);
sensor1 = A28316(:,1);
sensor2 = A28316(:,2);
% Mean value of signal.
m1 = mean(sensor1);
m2 = mean(sensor2);
% Set mean to zero, removing DC component.
DC1 = sensor1 - m1;
DC2 = sensor2 - m2;
% Transpose to row vector for 'for' loop.
m = DC1';
me = DC2';
% Set all points except selected to zero, for both signals.
for i = 1:1:4999
m(:,i) = 0;
for i = 15001:1:2500000
m(:,i) = 0;
for i = 1:1:4999
me(:,i) = 0;
for i = 15001:1:2500000
me(:,i) = 0;
o1 = length(m);
o2 = length(me);
tl1 = pow2(nextpow2(o1)); % Transform length
tl2 = pow2(nextpow2(o2));
y1 = fft(m,tl1); % DFT
y2 = fft(me,tl2);
f1 = (0:tl1-1)*(fs/tl1); % Frequency range
f2 = (0:tl2-1)*(fs/tl2);
p1 = y1.*conj(y1)/tl1; % Power of the DFT
p2 = y2.*conj(y2)/tl2;
hold on
hold off
title('FFT Power Spectrum of Two Signals, Lead Break on Testing Cylinder');
I don't believe I have left out any semi-colons… If anyone can help me out that would be great. Many thanks,

Best Answer

Try changing
load A28316.txt;
A23816 = load('A28316.txt');
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