MATLAB: Command to reshape matrix diagonally


Hi, i'd like to transform
X = 1 100 40
2 107 30
3 90 50
4 120 60
Y = 1 100 40 3 90 50
2 107 30 4 120 60
I thought
Y = reshape(X,2,6)
would do the trick but it didn't give me the matrix I was looking for.
Any quick ideas will be appreciated.

Best Answer

% X - array with size [5541888 x 7]
% m2 - number of rows in second array, m2 = 1536
[~,n] = size(X);
out = reshape(permute(reshape(X',n,m2,[]),[1 3 2]),[],m2)';
[m,n] = size(X);
a = mat2cell(X,m2*ones(m/m2,1),n);
out = [a{:}];