MATLAB: Comm.MIMOChannel Filter delay calculation

Communications ToolboxMATLABmimo channel model

I want to use the system object comm.MIMOChannel instead of mimochan.
The mimochan has a property called ChannelFilterDelay, which gives back numbers of delayed samples of this channel filter.
Here mey question: Did the system object comm.MIMOChannel also have a sample delay, and if yes: How can I compute it?
Or better how can I create channel models without delay.
Thanks a lot

Best Answer

The comm.MIMOChannel and mimochan use the same algorithm to model the channel and can produce the same numeric result. So, they have the same "ChannelFilterDelay". But the System object usually offers better performance and supports code generation.
If you are using R2013a or a newer version, you can call the info method of the System object to obtain the channel delay information. For example,
>> h = comm.MIMOChannel;
>> info(h)
ans =
ChannelFilterDelay: 0
NumSamplesProcessed: 0
Otherwise, you could simply configure an equivalent mimochan object to obtain the information from its ChannelFilterDelay property.