MATLAB: Combining Vector in a matrix

matlab function

I want to create a matrix that has first row as month second as date and the third as day
So far I am successful in creating three vectors and now I want to merge them in a matrix
function A=Jume2015
month = repmat('June', 30, 1);
d = {'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'};
dy = (d(mod(0:29, 7) + 1));
They should be merged in manner that I should get an output like this
>> m(11,:)
ans =
'June' [11] 'Thu'
Please help me.
If there are some errors in English please avoid them as English is a second language for me

Best Answer

A cell array is very useful when you want to combine strings and numerical values into a single matrix. Let's build one:
MonthName = 'June' ;
DayNames = {'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'};
Ndays = 30 ;
M = cell(Ndays,3) ; % create a place holder
M(:,1) = {MonthName} % fill the first two with the same string
M(:,2) = num2cell(1:Ndays) % convert numbers to a cell array
M(:,3) = DayNames(1+mod(0:Ndays-1,7)) % math trick to index into DayNames