MATLAB: Combining to two Cells

cellcell array

I 've scouring the web to find a solution but not much success
p = [{2323}]; k = {'hello'};
where I want pk = {'2323hello'}
Pretty much what the concatenate function in excel would do.
Thanks, Stephan

Best Answer

One of the issues you will face here is that what is stored in the cell array p is numeric data and concatenation of numeric data with character arrays will convert the numeric value to its ASCII representation.
>> A = [2323,'hello']
A =
This is not what you are looking for. So, you need to convert the number to a character array using num2str:
>> A = [num2str(2323),'hello']
A =
Now if this data is stored in cells we can simply concatenate the contents (which are the char arrays):
p = {2323}; % Brackets around {} are not necessary.
k = {'hello'};
A = {[num2str(p{:}),k{:}]}; % Convert num to a string, concatenate, place back in cell
If we were then to presume that these variables had a larger (but equal) size:
p = {2323;3434}
k = {'hello';'goodbye'}
for n = 1:length(p)
A(n) = {[num2str(p{n,1}),k{n,1}]};