MATLAB: Combining string and numerical values

character vectorsMATLABstrcatstringsstrlength

Hi, I'm doing a review sheet (not for a grade), and I'm hitting a snag with combining string and character vectors. Here's my problem:
Write a function my_password that will receive a string or character vector with a message and create a password that alternates between the final letter of each word and length of each word.
I've tried the following two functions, the first one only works if your in phrase is one word, and the second returns only a character vector:
function password=my_password(inphrase)
password= inphrase(end);
passnum= strlength(inphrase);
newpass= strcat(password, int2str(passnum))
function password = mypassword(inphrase);
rest = strtrim(char(inphrase));
password = '';
while ~isempty(rest)
[word, rest] = strtok(rest);
password = strcat(password,int2str(word));

Best Answer

Try these two options
function newpass = my_password1(inphrase)
words = strsplit(inphrase, ' ');
last_char = cellfun(@(x) {x(end)}, words);
lens = cellfun(@(x) {num2str(numel(x))}, words);
X = cell(1,numel(words));
X(1:2:end) = last_char(1:2:end);
X(2:2:end) = lens(2:2:end);
newpass = strjoin(X, '');
function newpass = my_password2(inphrase)
words = strsplit(inphrase, ' ');
last_char = cellfun(@(x) {x(end)}, words);
lens = cellfun(@(x) {num2str(numel(x))}, words);
newpass = strjoin(strcat(last_char, lens), '');
my_password1('A quick brown fox')
ans =
my_password2('A quick brown fox')
ans =