MATLAB: Combining matrices of different sizes


Hello I'm trying to combine multiple matrices of different sizes which are extracted from each .csv files.
Sat_total = NaN(1440 , 3*30);
sat = readtable('Place-MyHome-Sensor-Myphone-To-Satellite-PRN_32_41328 AER.csv');
[Sat_temp] = sat_tot(sat);
Sat_total(1:length(Sat_temp(:,1)), 1:3) = Sat_temp;
sat = readtable('Place-MyHome-Sensor-Myphone-To-Satellite-PRN_31_29486 AER.csv');
[Sat_temp] = sat_tot(sat);
Sat_total(1:length(Sat_temp(:,1)), 4:6) = Sat_temp;
sat = readtable('Place-MyHome-Sensor-Myphone-To-Satellite-PRN_30_39533 AER.csv');
[Sat_temp] = sat_tot(sat);
Sat_total(1:length(Sat_temp(:,1)), 7:9) = Sat_temp;
sat = readtable('Place-MyHome-Sensor-Myphone-To-Satellite-PRN_29_32384 AER.csv');
[Sat_temp] = sat_tot(sat);
Sat_total(1:length(Sat_temp(:,1)), 10:12) = Sat_temp;
( I used [Sat_temp] = sat_tot(sat) to modify tables been extraced to matrices)
As you can see, i'm trying to combine n*3(n differs for each of them) matrices in row.
Please let me know if there are any better solutions, not by typing them manually.
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

I would do something like this
% list all file names. You may use dir() function to get them automatically
filenames = {'Place-MyHome-Sensor-Myphone-To-Satellite-PRN_32_41328 AER.csv', 'Place-MyHome-Sensor-Myphone-To-Satellite-PRN_31_29486 AER.csv', ...
Sat_total = cell(1, numel(filenames))
for i = 1:numel(filenames)
sat = readtable(filenames{i});
Sat_total{i} = sat_tot(sat);
Sat_total = [Sat_total{:}];