MATLAB: Combining Data from different Cells in a cell array

cellcell arraysconcatenate

So I've been hunting through the answer community, and I have yet to find what I'm looking for. What I'm attempting to do is combine 2 cell arrays so that the cells actually merge together, without using a for loop. What I have are two large cell arrays, one that contains the x coordinates and another that contains the y coordinates. I would like to put them together so that each cell contains both the x and y in two serperate columns.
For example
xcoordinate = {[1;2;3],[3;4;5;6]} %cell array with column vectors in each cell

ycoordinate = {[8;9;10],[12;16;17;10]} %cell array with column vectors in each cell
What I would like the product to be Without using a For loop is:
XYcoordinates = {[1 8;
2 9;
3 10]
[3 12;
4 16;
5 17;
6 10]}
It needs to be in this format with the [x y] sitting next to each other for a function I want to use with cellfun. If you have any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

Best Answer

cellfun(@(x,y) [x y],xcoordinate',ycoordinate','un',0)