MATLAB: Combine two matrices (100 x 1), then find data corresponding to specific rows

matrix manipulation

So I have two matrices, each one (100 x 1).
They are equal in regards to their columns and rows, so I'm assuming that saves some headaches. I need to combine them so I can look up requirements in let's say column A, so I can get the corresponding value from column B.
How would I go about combining the two so I can look up values in one to get the corresponding information from the other column in the same row? I want the final matrix two be 100 x 2 , one column being matrix A values, and the second column being matrix B values. Thank you.

Best Answer

rowsToExtract = (some expression giving a logical vector)
extractedRows = [A(rowsToExtract ), B(rowsToExtract);
For a concrete example:
% Create data
A = randi(9, 100, 1);
B = randi(9, 100, 1);
% Create the selection criteria:
rowsToExtract = A>=8
% Get values from both A and B in a single array
% that meet the criteria.
extractedRows = [A(rowsToExtract ), B(rowsToExtract)]