MATLAB: Combine two double variables into a single variable


I am working on an ECG to diagnose heart conditions. The user imports a text file that has a unique amount of data points(mV) and a time step. I have extracted both to cells and converted them to a double by using str2double. The amount of data points and time step varies depending on which text file the user imports (e.g. file1 has 7500 and dt = .0008, file2 has 9000 and dt = .001). dataPoints is a n x 1 double and t (dependent on length(dataPoints)) is also n x 1 double. Since n is arbitrary I am unsure how to combine these into a single variable ECG_data.

Best Answer

For example:
ECG_data = [dataPoints, t]; % Create n-by-2 matrix.
It will work as long as both dataPoints and t are n rows each (the number of columns in each does not matter).