MATLAB: Combine integers into date


i have a date in the form of numbers:
year = 2016
month = 6
day = 2
hour = 3
minute = 5
second = 1
How can I combine these values into a date format such as "06/02/2016 03:05:01"
I tried combining into a string but since the variables are only one digit, when i run:
datetime(prod_time,'InputFormat','dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss')
i get:
Error using datetime (line 616)
Unable to parse '6/23/2017 18:6:9' as a date/time using the format 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss'.
I'm assuming it's because they are looking for double digits but my variables are only single. How do I get around this?
I'm trying to do this with dynamic data that is being read in from another file.

Best Answer

y = 2016
M = 6
d = 2
h = 3
m = 5
s = 1
datetime(y,M,d,h,m,s,'F','MM/dd/uuuu HH:mm:ss')