MATLAB: Combine 2 image results of segmentation, into one of axes

axescombinefigureguiimage segmentation

I want to ask, I hope you see this can help me, thanks I've done segmentation on that image and has 9 parts segmentation, I just want to take segmentation to figures 5 and 6, but I can only take segmentation in figure 5.
I want to ask how to combine figure 5 and figure 6 on the one axes as the final result of segmentation ..
note: I only use one image only, "Lat1.bmp" and I want to know how to combine the two figures on the one axes as the final result of segmentation

Best Answer

I may not understand the question, but why not just use segmented portions 5 and 6 as a mask on the original BW image? I guess the workflow would be something like
- extract the segments
- make an image of "falses" the same size as the original called BWsegs
- set the indices of segment 5 as "true" in BWsegs
- set the indices of segment 6 as "true" in BWsegs
The BWsegs is what you're looking for. You can use regionprops to get the bounding box for cropping if you'd like.