MATLAB: Combination of rows of two different matrices

combinationMATLABmatrixmatrix manipulation

Sorry if this is a repeated question but I failed to find an answer myself. I have two matrices:
A = [-0.6, -0.2;
-60, 2;
6, -20];
B = [-0.4, -0.8;
-40, 8;
4, -80];
I want to find all the possible combinations of sum of each row (sum of individual elements of a row) of A with each row of B, i.e., my desired result is (order does not matter):
ans = [-1, -1;
-40.6, 7.8;
3.4, -80.2;
-60.4, 1.2;
-100, 10;
-56, -78;
5.6, -20.8;
-34, -12;
10, -100];
which is a matrix resulting from possible combinations of A and B.
Thanks in advance.
(Please no for loops. It is pretty trivial then.)
EDIT: I have used 2 columns and 3 rows as an example. Looking for more general solution, i.e., for n number of columns and m number of rows.

Best Answer

Feels non-ideal. Any better solution?
>> C=A(:,1)+B(:,1)';
ans =
-1.0000 -1.0000
-60.4000 1.2000
5.6000 -20.8000
-40.6000 7.8000
-100.0000 10.0000
-34.0000 -12.0000
3.4000 -80.2000
-56.0000 -78.0000
10.0000 -100.0000
better one
>> m=size(A,1);
ans =
-1.0000 -1.0000
-60.4000 1.2000
5.6000 -20.8000
-40.6000 7.8000
-100.0000 10.0000
-34.0000 -12.0000
3.4000 -80.2000
-56.0000 -78.0000
10.0000 -100.0000