MATLAB: Column vector with interval

column row

Hi all, I'm looking for a way to create a column vector using something similar to "linspace". I saw that this is used to create ROW vectors with a starting point, an ending point and an interval (2,10,0.1). I should do a column vector for 2 to 0 with an interval of -0.1. Every time I try to do that I receive the "error (?)" Empty matrix: 1-by-0. How can I solve the problem? Is there a command as linspace for column row?

Best Answer

There are two ways to approach this and I think you're conflating the two:
Here's one option
colvec = [2:-.1:0]';
Here's the other:
colvec = linspace(2,0,21)';
Note that in the first example, you are specifying the interval (which must be negative) and this determines how many elements you end up with. In the second you are explicitly telling linspace how many elements you want (that's the 3rd argument for linspace) and this determines the interval between them.
In both cases the output is a row vector, so the transpose (') operator is used.