MATLAB: Colormapeditor() for UIAxes in App Designer

app designercolormapcolormapeditoruiaxesuifigure

I am curious whether or not there is a way that I can edit a colormap for a UIAxes component using the "colormapeditor". I have an app designer app that plots a colormap, and would like a simple solution for allowing the user to edit the map. I am able to perform these edits on a normal figure, but no luck on app.UIAxes. I currently have a menu option callback that calls colormapeditor(app.UIAxes). I do not receive an error, colormapeditor opens and a separate blank figure opens alongside it. What am I missing here? Thank you!!!

Best Answer

Set the UIFigure's HandleVisibility to ON prior to initializing colormapeditor. Then turn HandleVisibility back off afterwards.
app.UIFigure.HandleVisiblity = 'on';
When finished,
app.UIFigure.HandleVisiblity = 'off';