MATLAB: Colormap utility – two axes in colorbar


Hi everyone,
I have a query regarding the colormap utility and plotting two variables using one colormap and one colorbar, the latter of which would have two axes for each variable. To accompany the more detailed query description below, please see the image attached.
I have two variables that are related to eachother (let's say A and B) where A = xB where 'x' is a unitless constant value (let's say it's 2.98 for every case). Therefore, A and B have the same units.
I would like to use a single colormap for both variables since 'x' is the variable that couples between one and the other. Now, where the right tick axis says B = 6, the left tick axis would have A equal to 17.88 which doesn't look good as a tick value. Instead I would like it to have ticks at location 18, which would have to be slightly higher up in the colorbar than 6 (see image attached). Same for the other values.
The image attached shows what I would like to code. Is this possible?
Thank you.

Best Answer

Yeah, it's doable...refinements needed, but general idea works.
Z = peaks(20);
hAx=gca; % save axes handle main axes
hCB=colorbar; % add colorbar, save its handle
hNuCBAx=axes('Position',hCB.Position,'color','none'); % add mew axes at same posn
hNuCBAx.XAxis.Visible='off'; % hide the x axis of new
posn=hAx.Position; % get main axes location
posn(3)=0.8*posn(3); % cut down width
hAx.Position=posn; % resize mmain axes to make room for labels colorbar
hCB.Position=hNuCBAx.Position; % put the colorbar back to overlay second axeix

hNuCBAx.YLim=[-22 22]; % alternate scale limits new axis
ylabel(hCB, 'A','Rotation',0,'FontWeight','bold','VerticalAlignment','middle')
hCB.Position=hNuCBAx.Position; % put the colorbar back to overlay second axeix
results in
I overshot the width reduction a little and it's kinda' kludgy to have to move the original colorbar back to its original position when change the other axis size but there's an internal callback function that ties them together...