MATLAB: Coloring with coordinates.

colorcoordinatefill region between two curves

Hi I have a some x data with upper and lower y data and wanted to color the enclosed section that is made.
Here is the code so far.
x_data = [3/8 4 8 16 30 50 100];
uppery = [100 100 100 85 60 30 10];
lowery = [100 95 80 50 25 5 0];
semilogx(x_data, uppery, x_data, lowery);

Best Answer

x_data = [3/8 4 8 16 30 50 100];
uppery = [100 100 100 85 60 30 10];
lowery = [100 95 80 50 25 5 0];
x = [x_data fliplr(x_data)] ;
y = [uppery fliplr(lowery)] ;
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