MATLAB: Colorbar Matlab2012a to Matlab2015

colorbarmatlab 2012matlab 2015

Hey there,
I have a program which works with Matlab2012a, now I changed to Matlab2015a and I get an error message:
Error using colorbar (line 55) Unknown property 'XMinorGrid'.
Error in diagram/showGraphics (line 210) c =colorbar('peer',p.hAxes,'yAxislocation','right','FontSize',options.fontSize,'location','SouthOutside','XGrid','on','YGrid','off','XMinorGrid','off');
Show Graphics.m is one of my funktions. What can I do to fiy this? Why did it work with the 2012 Version but not with 2015?
Thanks. Molly

Best Answer

axes objects still have XMinorGrid . However, colorbars are no longer axes objects. See