MATLAB: Color video


Hi, I can't run it. Could you check it where error. Thank you!! The video is color and it 4-D unit8
clear all;
%obj1 = mmreader('can.avi');
%vid1 = read(obj1);
xx = zeros([128 128 1 207],'uint8');
for frame=1:207
[xx(:,:,:,frame),map] = imshow('can.avi',frame);
save can xx

Best Answer

I'm not sure what you want to do but whatever you're doing is weird. imshow() returns a handle to an axes, not an image and a colormap - maybe you got it confused with read(). But read() would be used with VideoReader(), not mmreader I think. Anyway mmreader is deprecated so you should follow the examples for VideoReader and VideoWriter instead. Use VideoReader or imwrite to handle imagery, not save.
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