MATLAB: Color Tracking in MATLAB – RGB

color tracking

I wrote code to track colors in MATLAB. The code plots three circles (Red, Blue, and Green) that follow the motion of colors moving on in front of the web cam (R, B, G). Red and blue work perfectly, but green does not. Any ideas? Here is my code after I set up the video acquisition:
% Get snapshot of current frame
snap = getsnapshot(vid);
% Extract red by subtracting red from grayscale
snap_red = imsubtract(snap(:,:,1), rgb2gray(snap));
snap_blue = imsubtract(snap(:,:,3), rgb2gray(snap));
snap_green = imsubtract(snap(:,:,2), rgb2gray(snap));
% Filter out noise
snap_red = medfilt2(snap_red, [3 3]);
snap_blue = medfilt2(snap_blue, [3 3]);
snap_green = medfilt2(snap_green, [3 3]);
% Convert new snapshot to binary
snap_red = im2bw(snap_red,0.18);
snap_blue = im2bw(snap_blue,0.18);
snap_green = im2bw(snap_green,0.18);
% Remove pixles less than 300px
snap_red = bwlabel(snap_red, 8);
snap_blue = bwlabel(snap_blue, 8);
snap_green = bwlabel(snap_green, 8);
% Label all connected components
bw_red = bwlabel(snap_red,8);
bw_blue = bwlabel(snap_blue,8);
bw_green = bwlabel(snap_green,8);
% Properties for each labeled region
stats_red = regionprops(bw_red, 'BoundingBox','Centroid');
stats_blue = regionprops(bw_blue, 'BoundingBox','Centroid');
stats_green = regionprops(bw_green, 'BoundingBox','Centroid');
% Display new image
% Puts red objects in rectangular box
for object_red = 1:length(stats_red)
bb_red = stats_red(object_red).BoundingBox;
bc_red = stats_red(object_red).Centroid;
axis([0 300 -300 0])
hold on
% Puts blue objects in rectangular box

for object_blue = 1:length(stats_blue)
bb_blue = stats_blue(object_blue).BoundingBox;
bc_blue = stats_blue(object_blue).Centroid;
axis([0 300 -300 0])
% Puts blue objects in rectangular box
for object_green = 1:length(stats_green)
bb_green = stats_green(object_green).BoundingBox;
bc_green = stats_green(object_green).Centroid;
axis([0 300 -300 0])
hold off

Best Answer

Subtracting from the grayscale version of the image is a bad way to find the green, or any color for that matter. You need to look at the difference between the color you want and the average of the other two. For example this might give a better green signal:
greenDifference = abs(greenChannel - (redChannel + blueChannel)/2);
Then threshold on that. Cast them all to double first so you don't get any clipping.
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