MATLAB: Color Segmentation by Delta E color difference help (manually inputing values)

colorcolor analysisimage analysisimage processingimage segmentation

So wasn't really sure where to ask this, but using the code that Image Analyst has written (guess this is mainly directed towards him), is there a way to input the values for the colors you would like to find manually? Im having trouble finding out how to do this, as I am somewhat new to MATLAB. The reason I ask is because I originally used the code by Image Analyst to find the "orange" color in turtle shells, but since I'm doing it for thousands of images I think it might be better to have a standard set of colors I am looking for rather than drawing a region (which could differ every time). Any help would be very much appreciated, thanks!

Best Answer

There is a line in the code that says:
% Get the average lab color value.
[LMean, aMean, bMean] = GetMeanLABValues(LChannel, aChannel, bChannel, mask);
It gets the mean L, A, and B color from the mask region you drew. But you don't have to do it that way. You can have some text file with standard LAB values in it and just read those values from the text file if you want.