MATLAB: Color matching and comparison

colorcolor segmentationdominant colorimage processingImage Processing Toolbox

Hey gang,
I am hoping that I can be placed onto the right thought process track. My end-goal is as follows:
  • Load an image into MatLab.
  • Find an average color value of the loaded image and save that value.
  • Compare that color value to a group of other color values, and find which color value matches the one from the image.
So basically, I am wondering if it is possible to find an average color value from an uploaded image? The images that I hope to upload are primarily of the same color (brown), but there will be different shades of brown in that image. I want to compare that image to a group of other images and find which one matches the loaded image best.
Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

You can definitely do this. Check out my Delta E application in my File Exchange. The only difference is that after you draw a color in one image you want to apply it to other images instead of the same image.
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