MATLAB: Colon-generated arrays with or without brackets


From what I can tell, the arrays a:d:b and [a:d:b] are exactly the same thing. For example,
>> [1:3] == 1:3
ans =
1×3 logical array
1 1 1
Yet, these two expressions give different results:
>> [1:3]' + 1:3
ans =
2 3
>> [1:3]' + [1:3]
ans =
2 3 4
3 4 5
4 5 6

Best Answer

The reason for this is the unexpected order in which this statement is evaluated:
[1:3]' + 1:3
([1:3]' + 1):3
Adding the brackets forces the grouping before and after the colon operator (parentheses would have worked as well).