MATLAB: Coding an equation (with summation within equation) with nested for Loops

MATLABnested for loops

I am attempting to code the following equation in matlab using three for loops:
However, my initial values are incorrect and I believe my issue is related to how I am handling the the summation inside the equation. I would appreciate any suggestions on how to alter my for loop.
for i=1:length(x)
for j=1:length(Temp(:,1))
for n=1:20
T_xt(i,j,n)= T_amb2 + (q_p./k).*(((exp(m.*(x(i)-2.*L))+...
exp((-n.^2.*pi.^2.*a.*t(j))./L.^2))./(m.^2.*L.^2 + n.^2*pi^2))))));

Best Answer

You are probably summing T_xt(:,:,:) over the third dimension to get T(x,t) . However, when you do that, you would be adding T_amb2 once for each n value, which is not correct.
You can meaningfully create T_xt(i,j,n) but it should only be the cos*exp/sum term. Then you would sum those along the third dimension, multiply by 2*exp(-m^2*alpha*t), subtract from the [] and so on.