MATLAB: Code with variables changes


Hi all
I have to write code for the following
Y_k = Ax_k + b
Z_k= Y_k +C
Now for K from 0 -200 the A = 2 and b=3,C =2
for K from 201- 400 the A = 4 and b=5, C=2
what code I can write to Specify these conditions? I mean chang in K, change the parameters values.

Best Answer

If you have the Symbolic Toolbox, the easiest way can be to use piecewise()
A = @(k) (k >= 0 & k<=200) .* 2*ones(size(k)) + (k>200 & k<=400) .* 4*ones(size(k));
b = @(k) (k >= 0 & k<=200) .* 3*ones(size(k)) + (k>200 & k<=400) .* 5*ones(size(k));
C = @(k) (k >= 0 & k<=400) .* 2*ones(size(k));
Y = @(k) A(k) + b(k);
Z = @(k) Y(k) + C(k);
fplot(Z, [-20 420])