MATLAB: Code generation using Embedded Coder

ccode generationembedded codeEmbedded CoderTarget Support Package TC2

Hello all,
I`m trying to generate Embedded C code, but without the HW present(with the HW present it is working fine).
I select system target file: ert.tlc but i get the following error:
Error: File: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2011a\toolbox\target\extensions\processor\tic2000\blks\mex\tlc_c\c280xcanxmt.tlc Line: 65 Column: 36 The left-hand side of a . operator must be a valid scope identifier
How can i generate C code without using the HW ?

Best Answer

I've not done this recently, but in the past, I have been able to generate code for TI targets without the hardware connected. I believe you may need to setup CCS to work with an emulator in that case.