MATLAB: Code Generation – output file rtw_modelmap.h is missing


I am using MATLAB R2018b to generate C++ auto-code from Simulink and using it from my coding environment Codeblocks 17.12.
The output file rtw_modelmap.h seems missing after auto-code generation and the C++ rise an error when it reads the line from MyModel.h file :
#include "rtw_modelmap.h"
That rise a fatal error "no file named rtw_modelmap.h found" and you can see that there is no file named like that in my *ert_rtw compilation file.
Did I done something wrong in auto-code generation settings please?

Best Answer

The files rtw_modelmap.h and rtw_capi.h, located in matlabroot/rtw/c/src
You can type this in command window to find it :