MATLAB: Code Generation Error from simulink

code generationsimulink coder

Hello, I am getting below error while generating code from Simulink. Used Version is 2016b
### Starting build procedure for model: PedlDirDetrmn ### Build procedure for model: 'PedlDirDetrmn' aborted due to an error. The call to JD_autosar_make_rtw_hook, during the entry hook generated the following error: Cannot reserve Identifier as Code Generation has started. Use requestIdentifier to request for an identifier during Code Generation
The build process will terminate as a result. Caused by: Cannot reserve Identifier as Code Generation has started. Use requestIdentifier to request for an identifier during Code Generation
Let me know if you have any lead on this!!

Best Answer

1. Remove all EnterpriseToolset Path 2. Restart MATLAB 3. Before adding Toolset Enter sl_refresh_customizations command 4. Then load project and generate code
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