MATLAB: Code about paper airplane simulation cannot be run

paper airplanesimulation

I am not that proficient in programming. The error occured on the line "function sdot = PaperHoriz(t,s)", and I am not sure how to solve this error. The name of this M file is "PaperHoriz.m".
%paper airplane simulation
global CL CD S m g rho
S = 0.017;
m = 0.003;
g = 9.81;
rho = 1.225;
CD = 0.04; %lift and drag coeff simply given
CL = 0.22; %for this flight regime
gamma0 = -atan(CD/CL); %-ve sign because decent angle
v0 = sqrt(2*m*g/(rho*S*sqrt(CL^2+CD^2))); %initial velocity for min descent angle
%various initial flight condition
H = 2;
R = 0;
t0 = 0;
tf = 6;
tspan = [t0 tf];
%a) trimmed flight case
%initial angle is min angle of descent
s0 = [H;R;v0;gamma0]; %state vector's initial state
[ta, sa] = ode23('PaperHoriz',tspan,s0);
%b) same initial velocity but release at horizontal angle
gamma0 = 0;
s0 = [H;R;v0;gamma0];
[tb, sb] = ode23('PaperHoriz',tspan,s0);
%c) release at horizontal angle, double min-descent speed
newv0 = 2*v0;
s0 = [H;R;newv0;gamma0];
[tc, sc] = ode45('PaperHoriz',tspan,s0);
%d) release at horizontal angle, triple min-descent speed
newv0 = 3*v0;
s0 = [H;R;newv0;gamma0];
[td, sd] = ode45('PaperHoriz',tspan,s0);
%plot all the results
grid on;
ylim([0 5]);
xlim([-0.5 18]);
%invoked file with dynamics in it called PaperHoriz.m
function sdot = PaperHoriz(t,s) %error occured in this line
global CL CD S m g rho
v = s(3);
gamma = s(4);
q = rho/2*v^2;
%state vector = [H;R;v;gamma]
sdot = [v*sin(gamma);v*cos(gamma);1/m*(-q*S*CD-m*g*sin(gamma));1/(m*v)*(q*S*CL-m*g*cos(gamma))];

Best Answer

The name of this M file is "PaperHoriz.m".
Name the file something else, like PaperHorizDriver.m .
When you have a script that defines a function, the script name cannot be the same as the name of the function you are defining.