
Hi, I have the following code but when i run it gives an error . The code :
function lambda = drive_zr17t9001
format short e;
Params = load('saved_data.mat');
theta = pi/2;
zeta = cos(theta);
I = eye(Params.n,Params.n);
Q = zeta*I-Params.p*Params.p';
%T is a matrix(5,5)
Mroot = Params.M.^(1/2); %optimization

T = Mroot*Q*Mroot;
%find the eigen values
E =real( eig(T));
%find the negative eigen values — %find the smallest negative eigen value
gamma = min(E);
%now solve for lambda
bounds = sort([0, -1/gamma]); %in case gamma is positive
M_inv = inv(Params.M); %optimization
lambda = fzero(@(lambda) zr17t9001(lambda,M_inv,Q,,bounds); %do the searching

% end
function r = zr17t9001(lambda, M_inv, Q, zm)
Winv = inv(M_inv+lambda.*Q);
r = -('*M_inv*Winv*Q*Winv*M_inv*(;
The error
??? Error using ==> fzero
FZERO cannot continue because user supplied function_handle ==> @(lambda) zr17t9001(lambda, M_inv, Q,
failed with the error below.
Undefined variable "Params" or class "".
Error in ==> drive_zr17t9001 at 19
lambda = fzero(@(lambda) zr17t9001(lambda, M_inv, Q,, bounds); %do the searching

Best Answer

[Edited to define the anonymous function as a separate step]
function lambda = drive_zr17t9001
format short e;
Params = load('saved_data.mat');
theta = pi/2;
zeta = cos(theta);
I = eye(Params.n,Params.n);
Q = zeta*I-Params.p*Params.p';
%T is a matrix(5,5)
Mroot = Params.M.^(1/2); %optimization

T = Mroot*Q*Mroot;
%find the eigen values
E =real( eig(T));
%find the negative eigen values -- %find the smallest negative eigen value
gamma = min(E);
%now solve for lambda
bounds = sort([0, -1/gamma]); %in case gamma is positive
M_inv = inv(Params.M); %optimization
zm =;
Lz = @(lambda) zr17t9001(lambda,M_inv,Q,zm);
lambda = fzero(Lz,bounds); %do the searching
% end
function r = zr17t9001(lambda, M_inv, Q, zm)
Winv = inv(M_inv+lambda.*Q);
r = -zm'*M_inv*Winv*Q*Winv*M_inv*zm;