MATLAB: Clustergram Bug? – Different dendrograms produced by Clustergram vs SPSS and pdist -> linkage -> dendrogram using the same parameters

Bioinformatics Toolboxbugcluster analysisclustergramdendrogramhierarchical clusteringlinkageStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

Good Afternoon,
I have tried already all different 'data processing' parameters of clustergram in order to get the same dendrogram that is obtained with pdist -> linkage -> dendrogram without any luck.
I also double-checked the results obtained by SPSS with the same data and parameteres used by pdist -> linkage -> dendrogram and the dendrograms are consistent.
Therefore I conclude is definitely something related with the clustergram class.
Could it be possible that there is a bug or something like that with that class?
To whom I should direct this question in order that it'll be further evaluated by the developers of clustergram?
Thanks in advance,

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