MATLAB: Closing GUI, closing MATLAB, when re-open I have the same selection, plots, everything and I can’t reset them


Hello everyone,
I have a problem that never happened before. Usually when you close a GUI figure and re-open it, you have default values as "empty" and you can click, select, type, etc… When you close the figure/MATLAB and re-open it you get again blank text boxes, tables, plots, etc.
My problem is..when I close the figure and re-open it I have the data from the first run I made.
The GUI works as it follows: -takes some txt files -scans them -uses the data to make plots within the main figure -prints some of the data used in the plots in a table
Please help! I really don't get why don't the values reset!!!
Cheers Lina

Best Answer

Ok to those who might experience the same issue - the problem came from the MATLAB figure toolbar. I (or one of the users) clicked on SAVE, which results in what I explained above withou notification.
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