MATLAB: Clicking on specific pixels on the screen


I want to write a code in matlab,and I'm not sure which function can help me and which I need to write –
first step- a code that shows me the coordinates of the pixel where the pointer of the mouse is, I have written a code that shows me the coordinates of the pointer every x seconds but i want it to show me the coordinates only when i press the write\left mouse buttons.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
mouse = Robot;
for i = 1:500
second step- a code that clicks on specific pixels on the screen(not some figure of matlab) ,with a delay between each click- I have the general idea but I'm not sure –
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
mouse = Robot;
set(0,'PointerLocation',[2001, 467]);
for i = 1:200000
third step- involving time delay between each click.
if u have any idea how to write those things or which func' to use it will help me..

Best Answer

A couple of places to look:
doc ginput
docsearch figure properties
Specifically look at the currentpoint option as well as the windowbuttonmotionfcn and windowbuttondownfcn
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