MATLAB: Clear vairables in workspace using gui pushbutton callback?

gui push button clear workspaceMATLAB

Hi guys,
here is my problem:
i load a mat file that contains several variables before i run my gui. I use these variables with the help of "evalin" command in my gui callbacks.
Let say my workspace variables are these : A cell , B cell , C double,… goes on.
I want to clear all variables in the workspace window using a push button callback.
" I want to clear variables that i loaded before i run my gui".
(i read some answers and there was a conflict about the workspace term. I MEAN THE VARIABLES APPER IN MATLAB WORKSPACE WINDOW, NOT THE GUI WORKSPACE. )

Best Answer

Ozgur - if there are specific variables that you want to clear from the MATLAB (base) workspace, then you could use evalin with clear. If you put the following line in a push button callback, then
evalin('base','clear A B')
would clear the variables A and B that are in your base workspace.
But why are there variables in your base workspace that you need to evaluate in your GUI? Why not pass them as inputs to the GUI upon startup, or load them from a mat file and so avoid all of the evalin calls (which make troubleshooting bugs somewhat difficult).