MATLAB: Clear text typed with input() from the command history


The case scenario is very simple, I am asking for a password to be typed in the command window.
I am using
s = input('Password: ','s')
I can clear the text from the command window with something like fprintf(char(8)), but how do I clear the last typed command from the command history ?
I am aware that inputdlg() would solve the problem but I would be interested in finding some way for editing the history.
I personally changed approach from cmd window input to GUI input and wrote a submission for the purpose:

Best Answer

After digging into the Java internals with the help of Yair's toolkit (see findJObj, uiinspect and checkClass), I found a relatively simple way to manipulate entries in the Command History:
% Get instance to the Command History
cmdhist = com.mathworks.mde.cmdhist.AltHistory.getInstance;
% Retrieve the Command History Table
chtable = findjobj(cmdhist,'property',{'name', 'CommandHistoryTable'});
% Select last row row
nrows = chtable.getRowCount
chtable.setRowSelectionInterval(nrows, nrows)
% Delete selected rows