MATLAB: Clear axes in GUI using cla reset does not work for secondary axes

axesaxiscla resetguiMATLABsecondary axis

Hi all,
I am having some trouble clearing an axes using the reset command below:
cla reset
I have created an axes with a secondary axis through the following command (the variables F, S, L and D are arrays):
set(get(handles.ax1, 'Parent'), 'HandleVisibility', 'on'); %set handle visibility to on
axes(handles.ax1); %make ax1 the current axis
x1 = F;
y1 = S;
y2 = L;
y3 = D;
hl1 = line(x1,y1,'Color','r'); %plot a line in the current axis
hl2 = line(x1,y2,'Color','g');
handles.ax2 = axes('Units', 'character'); %create a new axis and set units to be character
set(handles.ax2, 'Position',get(handles.ax1,'Position'),...
'YColor','k'); %position the new axis on the earlier existing axis
hl3 = line(x1,y3,'Color','b','Parent',handles.ax2); %plot a line on the new axis
However, when I use the "cla reset" command, it does not reset the secondary axis I created, nor the data from the secondary axis.
How can I fix this?

Best Answer

Maarten - where are you calling the line of code to clear the axes? When you call this line, do the objects from the first axes get cleared, or does nothing happen?
If you want to explicitly indicate which axes to clear, then try the following
With the above, you should be clearing all objects that have visible handles on the specified axes. If this doesn't work, then verify that you have drawn the graphics on the second axes.