MATLAB: Clean up imported table

cell arraysdata import

How do i clean up the data set such that Matlab knows this is numberical values. I want to remove the qotation marks, and change from comme to dot, such that this can be treated as a "math matrix".
The data set looks as follows:
ans =
8×7 table
ISIN mdate RET RET11 ME beta ivol
________________ __________ ___________ ___________ ________ __________ __________
{'DE0001262012'} 2.0020e+05 {'0,3088' } {'-0,55' } {'10,8'} {'0,4582'} {'0,087' }
{'DE0001262012'} 2.0021e+05 {'-0,3333'} {'-0,7135'} {'7,2' } {'0,62' } {'0,0558'}
{'DE0001262012'} 2.0021e+05 {'-0,375' } {'-0,7895'} {'4,5' } {'0,6142'} {'0,0405'}
{'DE0001262012'} 2.0021e+05 {'-0,0837'} {'-0,8036'} {'4,12'} {'0,4678'} {'0,0439'}
{'DE0001262012'} 2.0021e+05 {'-0,2183'} {'-0,8657'} {'3,22'} {'0,9192'} {'0,0517'}
{'DE0001262012'} 2.0021e+05 {'0,2339' } {'-0,864' } {'3,97'} {'1,5634'} {'0,0642'}
{'DE0001262012'} 2.0021e+05 {'-0,3593'} {'-0,9029'} {'2,55'} {'1,3786'} {'0,0484'}
{'DE0001262012'} 2.0021e+05 {'0,1766' } {'-0,892' } {'3' } {'1,2236'} {'0,0965'}

Best Answer

% Set up import options
opts = detectImportOptions("DE_data_long.csv",'DecimalSeparator',",");
opts = setvartype(opts,3:7,"double");
opts = setvartype(opts,"ISIN","string");
opts = setvartype(opts,"mdate","datetime");
opts = setvaropts(opts,"mdate","InputFormat","yyyyMM");
% Import csv file
data = readtable("DE_data_long.csv",opts);
% Set date display format
data.mdate.Format = "MMM yyyy"
data = 67333x7 table
ISIN mdate RET RET11 ME beta ivol ______________ ________ _______ _______ ____ ______ ______ "DE0001262012" May 2002 0.3088 -0.55 10.8 0.4582 0.087 "DE0001262012" Jun 2002 -0.3333 -0.7135 7.2 0.62 0.0558 "DE0001262012" Jul 2002 -0.375 -0.7895 4.5 0.6142 0.0405 "DE0001262012" Aug 2002 -0.0837 -0.8036 4.12 0.4678 0.0439 "DE0001262012" Sep 2002 -0.2183 -0.8657 3.22 0.9192 0.0517 "DE0001262012" Oct 2002 0.2339 -0.864 3.97 1.5634 0.0642 "DE0001262012" Nov 2002 -0.3593 -0.9029 2.55 1.3786 0.0484 "DE0001262012" Dec 2002 0.1766 -0.892 3 1.2236 0.0965 "DE0001262012" Jan 2003 -0.2251 -0.8761 2.32 1.097 0.0428 "DE0001262012" Feb 2003 0 -0.8489 2.32 1.0981 0.1241 "DE0001262012" Mar 2003 0 -0.7185 2.32 1.2001 0.0512 "DE0001262012" Apr 2003 0.2276 -0.7359 2.85 1.1065 0.0465 "DE0001262012" May 2003 0.1045 -0.5625 3.15 1.0234 0.0498 "DE0001262012" Jun 2003 0.0482 -0.2662 3.3 1.037 0.0556 "DE0001262012" Jul 2003 -0.3646 -0.4911 2.1 0.9895 0.0687 "DE0001262012" Aug 2003 0.1448 -0.2548 2.4 1.0516 0.0639