MATLAB: Citing MATLAB products or relative webpage

citecite asMATLABpaperSimscapeSimscape Multibodysimulinkthesis

Hi all,
I read different topics about this question, but some links are no longer available and I need to know something, please. In my paper I'm talking about Simscape Multibody, but no info about its citation is present in the relative pages. Assuming a bibitem as the following one (or different one if it is more proper than this):
author = "author",
title = "title",
year = "year",
url = "url",
note = "[note]"
what kind of argument can I insert in each section considering Simscape Multibody at the following link
For example, at this link there si a section named "Cite As" where all the info are available.
What is the better way to do that?
best regards

Best Answer

author = {Steve Miller},
url = {},
month = feb,
note = {[Online; accessed Feb 2021]},
title = {Simscape Multibody Contact Forces Library},
year = {2021},