MATLAB: Cirle with color changing gradually.


How can I plot a circle like this in matlab, please give me an example. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

[Edited to add colorbar and image.]
As far as I know, you can't do it directly, but pol2cart is your friend. Look at
and maybe
% construct grid of polar coords
th = (0:5:360)*pi/180;
r = 0:.05:1;
[TH, R] = meshgrid(th, r);
% convert polar to cartesian
[X, Y] = pol2cart(TH, R);
% dummy function plotted over X Y data
Z = X + 1i*Y;
f = abs((Z.^4 - 1).^(1/4));
% use overhead view of surf plot for figure
surf(X, Y, f);
axis equal;
axis square;
Note that axis(2) gives an overhead view, so it looks like a flat circle, and axis equal ensures it looks like a circle and not a distorted ellipse.
Please accept this answer if it helps, or let me know what's wrong in the comments.