MATLAB: Choosing which nested for loop to parfor


I am trying to read in images that contains varying parameters (series, time, channels, zslices) and have a few nested for loops to go through it all. When trying to parallelize it, sometimes it might be more efficient to stick the parfor on the parameter that has more values. Is there a way to decide which for loop to parfor if I have the variables nSeries, nTime, etc. in a way that doesn't involve rewriting the code with different possible functions?

Best Answer

Perhaps I misunderstand your question. A guess:
As far as I understand, you have:
for i1 = 1:N1
for i2 = 1:N2
perform_th_job(i1, i2);
And now you know, e.g. by a measurement, that for some N1, N2 this is faster:
parfor i1 = 1:N1
for i2 = 1:N2
and for others N1, N2 it is
for i1 = 1:N1
parfor i2 = 1:N2
Now you want to shwitch dynamically between both methods and not to write two versions of the code.
If all computations are moved to a dedicated function as in my example, creating both methods would easy and tight:
if N1 > N2
parfor i1 = 1:N1
for i2 = 1:N2
perform_th_job(i1, i2);
for i1 = 1:N1
parfor i2 = 1:N2
perform_th_job(i1, i2);
But Matlab's JIT accelerator migt be impeded by this and the for loop might run slower.
Therefore I suggest an evil method: Create a Matlab pre-processor.
function myFunction(N1, N2)
for i1 = 1:N1 %@ PARFOR1
for i2 = 1:N2 %@ PARFOR2
... all the code you need
Edit, maintain and debug this file only. Create the two versions automatically:
S = fileread('myFunction.m');
C = splitstr(S, '\n');
match = contains(C, '%@ PARFOR1');
C(match) = strrep(C(match), 'for', 'parfor');
fid = fopen('myFunction_PARFOR1.m', 'w');
fprintf(fid, '%s\n', C{:});
The same for PARFOR2. Now the main function looks like:
if doDebug
myFunction(N1, N2);
elseif N1 > N2
myFunction_PARFOR1(N1, N2);
myFunction_PARFOR2(N1, N2);
Now you have the advantage of having 1 file only for the maintenance, but two different functions for running with optimal speed.
This has the disadvanatge, that you have to remember to create the two functions after each update of the original function. Thuis sounds trivial, but such a software management is as hard as a backup: If in doubt, it has been forgotton.
I admit, I have a bunch of such pre-processor functions. I can switch flags to adjust my code for Windows and Linux, change strings according to the language of the user, enable/disable lines and blocks of code depeneding on the lab the software is working in, insert the date of the release, such that the output to the command window contains the version number of the toolbox. This can also activate workarounds for specific Matlab versions.
This is very useful, but it must be handled with care to avoid unreadable code or bugs, which are hard to find, because the code is changed dynamically. You should avoid under all circumstances to modify the code dynamically during the program runs, because this would cause the same troubles as eval.
By the way: eval does not work - and even if it does, I would recommend to avoid it.
eval('parfor i = 1:10') % FAILS WITH ERROR
eval('parfor i = 1:10; disp(i), end') % WORKS, BUT IS SLOW AND EVIL