MATLAB: Choosing not number elements from matrix to use in title figures and plots


I want to use a list of names to put in titles of plots or figures.
This is the matrix and the code in my try.
sis = 1; % This defines which element of the sismo matrix element to display
sismo = {'1966 EW Lima' ; '1966 NS Lima'; ...
'1970 EW Ancash'; '1970 NS Ancash';...
'1974 EW Enero Lima'; '1974 NS Enero Lima';...
'1974 EW Octubre Lima'; '1974 NS Octubre Lima';...
'2001 EW Arequipa'; '2001 NS Arequipa';...
'2007 EW Ica Callao'; '2007 NS Ica Callao'; ...
'2007 EW Ica'; '2007 NS Ica'};
sismo = sismo(sis);
figure(sprintf('Numero %s',sismo))

Best Answer

isletter gives the logical values where ever the letter is in your string. Use this is extract only letters and put this as title
sismo = {'1966 EW Lima' ; '1966 NS Lima'; ...
'1970 EW Ancash'; '1970 NS Ancash';...
'1974 EW Enero Lima'; '1974 NS Enero Lima';...
'1974 EW Octubre Lima'; '1974 NS Octubre Lima';...
'2001 EW Arequipa'; '2001 NS Arequipa';...
'2007 EW Ica Callao'; '2007 NS Ica Callao'; ...
'2007 EW Ica'; '2007 NS Ica'};
for i=1:length(sismo)
% title(char(regexp(sismo{i},'\d*','Match'))) %title as only numbers
title(sismo{i}(isletter(sismo{i}))) %title as only letters