MATLAB: Choosing a simulation type


Hi, I'm modelling an electrical network for a 24 hour period and looking at voltage swings and regulation.Continuous mode with variable step is out of the question. I read the documentation for powergui but I'm still not sure which one to pick.
Whats the best mode and solver (variable or fixed step)for this kind of simulation? A balance between accuracy and simulation time is desired!

Best Answer

First, you can only use the powergui if you're using SimPowersystems. In fact, it is required with those blocks.
Second, the solver choice completely depends on the model. Why can't you use a variable step solver?
If you are planning on using fixed step the ODE# indicates accuracy where 5 is more accurate than 4. Once you find an ODE solver accurate enough for your simulation you can utilize accelerator or rapid accelerator mode to speed up the simulation time.