MATLAB: Choose the 3 first lowest number in the cell after it sorted


hello all,,
i wanna ask u about how to choose the 3 first lowest number in that cell after it sorted
this is my code
a= input ('Input Number of Data :');
for c=1:a
int2 = ['Input The First Score - ',num2str(c),' :'];
int3 = ['Input The Second Score - ',num2str(c),' :'];
str = ['Input Category ke - ',num2str(c),' :'];
b(c,1) = input(int2);
b(c,2) = input(int3);
f{c,4} = input(str,'s');
for d = 1 : 1
int4= ['Input The First Data :'];
int5 = ['Input The Second Data :'];
e(d,1) = input(int4);
e(d,2) = input(int5);
length = ( b(:,1) - e(1,1)).^2 + (b(:,2) - e(1,2)).^2
for i = 1:size(b,1)
for j = 1:2
f{i,j} = b(i,j);
[key, index] = sort([f{:, 2}]);
sorted_f = f(index, :);
can anyone help me?

Best Answer

sorted_f(end-2:end, :)
It is surprising, that Thorsten's [f{end-2:end, :}] replies 3 elements only and a column vector.