MATLAB: Checking to see if a character is in a string array, then deleting entries where this character isn’t in a string


I have a string array that is just a list of words (dictionary), a random word (word) is selected and I want to loop though the alphabet, then if, say 'a' isn't in my random word it will delete all entries in my string array that contain 'a' etc. (Warning you now, I'm new to matlab).
for i=alphabet;
if i==word;
this isn't working, so any help with fixing it would be really appreciated

Best Answer

To delete all entries with an 'a' from your dictionary
dictionary = {'a' 'b' 'ba' 'c' 'hallo'};
idx = ~cellfun(@isempty, strfind(dictionary, 'a'));
dictionary(idx) = [];
To select a random word from your dictionary
word = dictionary(randi(numel(dictionary)));
Now you can loop over the characters in word to remove all entries in dictionary that have this character.