MATLAB: Checking if struct exists, GUI related

appdatacell arraycellfunexistguiguidestructstructure

at the moment I am working with a data structure, this structure is stored in appdata in a certain way.
in my mainGui I create a base cell array called plotTypeData, this is stored as
plotTypeData = cell(1,6);
setappdata(gcf, 'plotTypeData', plotTypeData);
setappdata(0, 'hMainGui', gcf);
in the mainGui openingfcn.
Now to why I need to check if the a structure exists: I have 6 other GUIs which are able to call the plotTypeData cell and alter it, when a secondary GUI have altered the contents of plotTypeData, it will store or update it as follows
setappdata(0, 'plotTypeData', plotTypeData);
The real problem occur, as one might have guessed, when a secondary GUI needs to get the data from plotTypeData. Because if a secondary GUI have not stored the plotTypeData in the root directory it is necessary to retrieve it from the mainGui handle, hMainGui. So what I am trying to figure out, is a way to check whether the plotTypeData struct exists in the root directory or not, and act accordingly. It needs to be mentioned that within plotTypeData cell are stored, making plotTypeData become a 1×1 struct.
in the root directory. This is done to ensure that plotTypeData is reachable by all GUIs.
any suggestions?
best regards

Best Answer

without specifying the variable name will return a structure with all data as fields in it.