MATLAB: Checking if an array element is larger than the following elements


So if I have a large array of form A=[1,5,6,4,12…], is there a consistent way of checking if some element A(n), let's say A(3), is larger than the following ones? So in this case, I would like to find out that A(3)>A(4). Also, then I would like to change those elements in a way that any element A(n) is always equal or larger than any of the elements before it. So again, in this case I would like to change my array A from [1,5,6,4,12…] -> [1,4,4,4,12…] or [1, NaN, NaN,4,12,…].
Thank you.

Best Answer

This is not hard. Please feel encouraged to try it by your onw.
A = [1,5,6,4,12];
X = A(length(A));
for k = length(A)-1:-1:1
if A(k) > X
A(k) = X; % Or: NaN
X = A(k);