MATLAB: Check which output arguments are requested within a function

output functions

I have a custom function that returns multiple arguments, say:
function [arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4] = myfun(x,y,z)
% Code
Now, we can call that function e.g. in such way:
[A, B, ~, D] = myfun(3,2,1)
If we make such call, no value has to be assigned to variable arg3 within myfun. I want to know if there is a way to check within the function body which output arguments have been called (same as arg1, arg2, arg4 above), and which outputs have been neglected (i.e. arg3 which is called with tilde).
There is a number of functions dealing with i/o arguments, but I haven't been able to find a solution to this question in the documentation of 2015a version.