MATLAB: Check if time equals time frame


I'm facing the following problem.
I have a matrix A(1000×1) containing time values in terms of time steps. I want to generate a matrix which identifies the events that fit within a certain time frame with respect to the time value in that row.
A(1,1)= 50
A(2,1)= 51
A(3,1)= 52
A(4,1)= 60
A(5,1)= 61
Now I want to generate a matrix B which shows the events that occur within the time frame A(1,1):(A(1,1)+4) in the first row of matrix B. And do that for every row in A. So B should be:
B(1,:)= [2 3]
B(2,:)= [3]
B(3,:)= []
B(4,:)= [5]
B(5,:)= []
Can anyone help me with this?

Best Answer

B = cell(1, numel(A));
for k = 1:numel(A)
B{k} = find(and(A > A(k), A <= A(k) + 4));