MATLAB: Check if figure exists whithout making it appear and using its figure number in findobj()


I want to know if a figure exists, however without it ever appearing at the forefront (I thus cannot use simply the figure() function). The function findobj() is a good candidate to solve this problem, however I do not want to use the 'name' as the argument for the search, i.e. I do not want to do:
but rather use the number of the figure used when the figure is created, using
Does something like the following code exists?
findobj('type','figure','NUMBER OF THE FIGURE',nbrfig)
I tried number, handle, … instead of 'NUMBER OF THE FIGURE' but nothing works. Need help 🙂 thanks.

Best Answer

Since the figure number handles are the integer number, all you really need to do then is use
for the desired number.
Or, I'm not seeing the problem...???